

These shortcuts are based on my configuration.

To run a command (called function in the neomutt docs, but I'll call it command anyway) without using a shortcut (replace COMMAND):


The wordings used on neomutt's commands aren't very intuitive, so to ease our understanding:

Ttag-patternTag (select) messages by pattern.
Zuntag-patternUntag (unselect) messages by pattern.
Ddelete-patternMark to delete messages by pattern.
Uundelete-patternUnmark to delete messages by pattern.
FlimitApply a filter (search), and show only (limit) the matched messages.
Atag-prefixThe next shortcut/command will be applied to all tagged (selected) messages.
S ssave-messageMove the message to an arbitrary mailbox. Performed by copy & delete.
xset-flagSet flags (i.e.: mark as new or unread)
cclear-flagClear flags (i.e.: mark as read)

Some shortcut combos:

  • TAS: To archive messages (send to local storage)


Here some often used pattern modifiers. See a complete list here.

Pattern modifierDescription
all ~AAll messages
~f EXPRMessages originating from EXPR.
~t EXPRMessages addressed to EXPR.
~d RANGEMessages with date-sent in a Date range. Units: S,M,H,d,w,m,y. Syntax: >3m.
~s EXPRMessages having EXPR in the subject field.
~b EXPR =B STRINGMessages having EXPR in the message body. Use the latter for searching on the server.
~N ~ONew/Old messages.
~UUnread messages.
~RRead messages.
~FFlagged (important) messages.
~TTagged (selected) messages.